Nomenclature: wfo-0000668130

Kew Gardens K000198907:  Quarré, P. [2708] Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Enneastemon affinis Robyns & Ghesq. Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles, Sér. B 53: 163 (1933)

Nomenclatural References

Taxonomy: Synonym in 2023-06

Occurs in: 2018-07 : 2019-03 : 2019-05 : 2021-12 : 2022-06 : 2022-12 : 2023-06 : 2023-12 : 2024-06

Accepted name is: Monanthotaxis schweinfurthii var. seretii (De Wild.) Verdc.


Taxonomic References