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As classified in WFO snapshot

December 2024

latest classification for this taxon


Morisonia hastata (Jacq.) Christenh. & Byng

This species name was first published in Global Fl. 4: 141 (2018)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0001423784.

Synonyms of Morisonia hastata (Jacq.) Christenh. & Byng

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Capparis coccolobifolia Mart. ex Eichler Fl. Bras. 13(1): 284 (1865) wfo-0000584591
Capparis coccolobifolia f. parvifolia Eichler Fl. Bras. 13(1): 284 (1865) wfo-0000584592
Capparis collina J.R.Johnst. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 40: 686 (1905) wfo-0000584594
Capparis cynophallophora var. latifolia Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. : 18 (1859) wfo-0000584631
Capparis flexuosa f. hastata (Jacq.) Dugand Caldasia 1(2): 51 (1941) wfo-0000584713
Capparis hastata Jacq. Enum. Syst. Pl. : 23 (1760) wfo-0000584761
Capparis hastata f. coccolobifolia (Mart. ex Eichler) Iltis & Dugand Fl. Venez. Guayana 4: 141 (1998) wfo-0000584762
Cynophalla hastata (Jacq.) J.Presl Přir. Rostlin Aneb. Rostl. 2: 275 (1825) wfo-0000634341
Capparis hastata f. coccolobifolia (Mart. ex Eichler) Dugand & Iltis wfo-0001223914
Capparis latifolia (Griseb.) A.Stahl Estud. Fl. Puerto-Rico 2: 186 (1884) wfo-1200074099